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ATE for Power
Product Name:ATE for Power

      iPower ATE software platform is based on the country's leading power equipment manufacturers as well as more than a decade of experience in product development and testing of power, control, etc.  Test platform integration solutions in hardware, software and open architecture design, it can be used in various applications to meet customer demand for different products.

      iPower ATE software platform can also control a Concord made functional test module for common functional test.  It also combined with lot of General Instruments to build a system with the best price performance ratio.

Application accumulated more than ten years of experience and continuous improvement of design, makes iPower ATE system software platform while maintaining flexibility, more powerful than the industry's most dedicated test system functionality and higher test efficiency.
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Tel:+86 0755-27833371 Fax:+86 0755-27852156 Service Hot line: +8613510853812
Shenzhen Zhenhua Test Equipment Co. Limited     Shenzhen HuaLiXin Technology Co. Limited